Are you safe?
Do you know someone who is not safe?
If you would like to talk with someone, call or come by. That's why we are here.
We are located at: 100 E. Dunn Street, Nags Head, NC

Outer Banks Hotline 24-Hour Help Line
The Outer Banks Hotline offers emergency shelter and support services for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking in a supportive community living environment focused on healing. While in our care, survivors can access counseling, safety planning, critical care coordination, health care and other community resources. All services are completely confidential and free of charge to anyone regardless of age, race, ability, marital status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, language, national origin, immigration status, religion, political affiliation or socioeconomic status. The Outer Banks Hotline provides hope and a way out for those who are experiencing violence in any form.