A Story About Giving
The Outer Banks Community Foundation awarded its very first grant to the Outer Banks Hotline in 1983. The grant enabled Hatteras Island residents to make toll-free calls to receive crisis support (because the island only had toll service). Among the calls that Hotline received after getting a toll-free number, were requests for help in a family where there was abuse; a young woman who found herself without a place to live or money to support herself; and a parent who needed services for her handicapped child. Since then, Hotline continues to grow, raise awareness, and meet our goals to ensure the Outer Banks community is the very best place to visit, live, and raise a family.
About the Outer Banks Community Foundation
The Outer Banks Hotline partners with the The Outer Bank Community Foundation (OBCF) to address critical needs in our community. The Community Foundation provides a simple, powerful, and highly personalized approach to giving; helping people to invest in causes they care about most.
The OBCF has significant experience in facilitating testamentary gifts, charitable remainder trusts, and even the most complex forms of giving (such as gifts of appreciated stock or real estate). Whatever your circumstances, their staff can you help find the giving technique that best fits your charitable goals.
Outer Banks Hotline Endowment Fund
Your gift to the Outer Banks Hotline Endowment Fund is invested and grows over time. Earnings from the Outer Banks Hotline Endowment Fund are used to support our vision of a community free from violence. Your gift — and all future earnings from your gift — is a permanent source of community capital, helping to do good work forever!
Learn more about ways to give to the OBCF Outer Banks Hotline Endowment Fund