On Saturday, April 29 from 11a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Outer Banks Hotline will host its “100 for Hope Ribbon on the Ridge’ event at Jockey’s Ridge State Park to honor survivors and commemorate victims of sexual assault. This event will be the culmination of Hotline’s month-long sexual assault awareness campaign, ‘Community for Hope.’
100 for Hope Ribbon on the Ridge is a free event, open to the public. Participants will register and gather in the main parking lot of Jockey’s Ridge State Park at 11 a.m. and make their way up the giant dune at 11:30 carrying a 50-yard long teal ribbon. A short ceremony will be held atop the ridge. Upon returning to base, BBQ lunch from Pigman’s BBQ will be provided in the parking lot area at no cost for all registered 100 for Hope teams who raised $100 for the campaign. Lunch will be available for those who did not register and raise the goal amount for a suggested donation of $5.00 per person. Local band, ‘The Ramble’ will also be performing live music in the parking lot following the ceremony. The event will be held rain or shine, with the exception of hazardous or extreme weather (updates will be given via Hotline’s Facebook and Instagram pages).